Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Retrospection & Concinnate of 2019 , as we atiptoe into 2020 !

Glimpses , Photographs that make for perfect memories ( so , a google album was created ) . A year with many a first , a year with many a loved ones leaving us & maybe a few souls that have come back as new borns of this year. Many of you will be a part of this album , a few are a part without being here - almost all pictures have a caption.

The year capitulate's into the year that it is , because of our Choices , our strength , our focus & the company we keep. Our lives are entwined, with our karmic & cosmic soul connects - what would we do without you !

2019 , is enshrined with special memories of each departed soul. An appreciation for each individual who is such an enteral part of our lives. Life is short , give it your very best, make each moment special ! Wish you all , a peaceful , healthy & ebullient, 2020 ! Love - RRR

"As long as you feel pain, you're still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you're still human. And as long as you keep trying, there's still hope. Never give up on yourself and never abandon your dreams." -Susan Gale

In Peace : Jayesh's mom , Shashi's mom , Chhaya's ( Chandel) mom, Nancy Donner , Heena Aunty , Hema Mausi , Sanjay Huria's dad, Mala's Mom , Puneet, his grandson Nav, daughter Palak & her husband Palkesh.