Thursday, May 14, 2009


One has to make choices. Sometimes what you know is right, some you go along coz of your gut instinct, some are spontaneous, some coz other people depend on the choice you make.


One cannot walk away from making a choice, however simple or difficult,  or simply, one that you abhor. You make the best choice as per the demand of the situation and wait for the chain reaction.


At times you pay a heavy price, but at the end of it all, the choice was yours & yours alone. A similar situation with another setting would get you to make choices completely diverse from your previous. Once again the choice would be yours.


Choices depend on you, circumstances, your loved ones. There can never be any getting away from making choices. You are only human, born to make one choice amongst the many. And once the choice is made, no complain, irrespective of the  the repercussions ….. good, bad ,or ugly. Let go, once the choice is made & never fear about the choice you have made. Fear, negative energy, stress….  Leave the Negativity & move towards Positivity. Take control, never give up, and do not look back, the universe is your playground.


You want to say something, but cannot. You feel something, but cannot express. You want to do something but cannot initiate . Fear of rejection, or is it deep ego which stops one from making the Choice? Whatever it may be, break free from shackles, Live the moment, you might never get another chance. Take the plunge & make that Choice which is the best , without any remorse!


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Process!!

Stranger v/s Friends

It is Natural ... or did I cultivate it .... guess it is a blend of both!! To make friends, to be able to speak with a stranger as if i have known them for the longest time, is so easy! No effort !

Simple logic to this is .... a Stranger might one day become your best friend !! A Stranger could be the one who will be there in your hour of need, just coz you befriended them in the most effortless style!!

And like they say , at times the people who you think are your Friends, a situation shall arrive and you will wonder  .... is that my friend who i have known for the longest time , or is that a Stranger ??

And so, I would like Stranger to become my Friend & Friends to remain Friends Forever!!!

Forgive v/s Forget

I was asked by a friend, why do u always says , Forgive & Move on ..... isn't that incomplete without Forget ... don't people usually say ... Forgive and Forget!!??

Well, first and foremost , both are difficult to achieve . Takes a lot of working on. And in my books, Forgive is very very important in out lives, helps one to Move on!! To forgive yourself & to forgive another. One needs to Forgive oneself, for having hurt someone , knowingly or unknowingly. And once you forgive yourself for the anger, hurt, regret .... it just becomes so much easier to Forgive another, and forgive another, one does!!

And now to...  Forget. I would rather not Forget a situation. It is that situation which has brought about its own wisdom, it's own learning. If I Forget, then I might make the same faux pas , and i would not like to repeat the same again.! A reminder of sorts .... in some corner of my memory!

Therefore, I forgive as easily as I can, however difficult ......... but do dot Forget !!! To make sure that every situation is a valuable lesson learnt, a situation which only makes me stronger & not bitter!:-)

Forgive , and let go of the hurt … the scar ………


Some say, when one is hurt, the scars remain, as a constant reminder of the pain ………..

However, when one does look at the broader picture, are scars really a reminder of the pain???

Hurt is Wound, Wound is Pain & the more we keep scraping, the deeper is the bruise, never  healing, a constant reminder. A person or a situation can hurt you just once, but reliving it, means you are traumatizing yourself twice as much, again & again. Why should anyone do that to oneself? That's why, one has to Let Go ....

We scrape , not letting that healing layer to be formed, giving us perverse pleasure in this pain, not letting it heal coz if it did heal, how would one feel sorry for oneself? To torture yourself like this again & again, is truly tragic.  Heal & its time to let go.

Scars will be reminder of the anguish only when we do not give the affliction a chance to heal. Layers sealing themselves, until it heals completely, once mended, it isn't a wound, it is a scar, faint & at times invisible  ……… a reminder, of a pain that's gone, a wound which  has healed.

The way I know life .... To every End there is a Beginning, to every Pause, there is a Play button waiting to be hit!