Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Answer a Question with A Question & The Answer is totally Within the Individuals Grasp!

The nest of young eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described his exploits. This was an important day for the eaglets. They were preparing for their first solo flight from the nest. It was the confidence builder many of them needed to fulfill their destiny.

"How far can I travel?" asked one of the eaglets.
"How far can you see?" responded the Master Eagle.

"How high can I fly?" quizzed the young eaglet.
"How far can you stretch your wings?" asked the old eagle.

"How long can I fly?" the eaglet persisted.
"How far is the horizon?" the mentor rebounded.

"How much should I dream?" asked the eaglet.
"How much can you dream?" smiled the older, wiser eagle.

"How much can I achieve?" the young eagle continued.
"How much can you believe?" the old eagle challenged.

Frustrated by the banter, the young eagle demanded, "Why don't you answer my questions?"
"I did."
"Yes. But you answered them with questions."

"I answered them the best I could."
"But you're the Master Eagle. You're supposed to know everything. If you can't answer these questions, who can?"
"You." The old wise eagle reassured.
"Me? How?" the young eagle was confused.
"No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream. It's different for each eagle. Only God and you know how far you'll go. No one on this earth knows your potential or what's in your heart. You alone will answer that. The only thing that limits you is the edge of your imagination."

The young eagle puzzled by this asked, "What should I do?"

"Look to the horizon, spread your wings, and fly."

Monday, October 5, 2009


When I decided to do some back ground check on Navratri, I had no clue I would be flummoxed by so much of literature.


Hear me  ( Read, Actually) out  , then decide for yourself , what your essence will be. This is my practical, religious & spiritual synopsis !


The Universe would just be a place of lifeless elements, if not for the Energy , that resides within this entire Cosmos!


Shiva would be Shav , if not for Shakti !


Shakti is the Manifestation , of various forms of energies of either gods, goddess , or both. Shakti is also another form of themselves , with different power/ virtue.


Shakti , is the personification of the active side of the divine energy of Lord Shiva. In fact,  represents the furious powers of all the male gods, and is the ferocious protector of the righteous, and destroyer of the evil.


We obtain our life energy or life force from a power field operating between cosmos and earth. This Cosmic power is fed into the energy body through the Chakras.  Chakra's are energy centers along the spine located at major branchings of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull. The 7 primary chakras have been amalgamated with the Shakti's of Navratri , moving from the Root of Spirituality towards Moksha, each form representing each Chakra.


Nine Days Navratri Celebrations:


Nine forms of Shakti are worshipped during the Navratri. Navratri is separated into sets of three days. These sets are made in order to emulate/worship, different facets of the supreme goddess.


1st  - 3rd day of Navratri: On the first day of the Navratri, a small bed of mud is prepared in the puja room and barley seeds are sown on it. These initial days are dedicated to the Supreme powerful force, Ma Durga , the Goddess of power and energy, to cleanse all our contaminations, evils and defects.
4th – 6th day of Navratri : During these days, Goddess of peace and prosperity, Ma Lakshmi , is worshipped as the mother of spiritual wealth, with her Blessings of  never ending Wealth.   

7th – 8th day of Navratri :These final days belong to Ma Saraswati, Goddess of Wisdom, The one is responsible for spiritual enlightenment/ knowledge and overall success in life. On the 8th day , yagna/ havan is performed. 

9th day is Mahanavami :The festival of Navratri culminates in Mahanavami. On this day Kanya Puja is performed. Nine young girls representing the nine forms of Shakti are worshiped.  


Shakti,  is also worshipped under nine different names for the nine days in Navratri. Every day, she assumes a new character, a new look and a new duty. For the initial six days , the Puja celebrations are limited to home. The celebrations acquire a festive form since the seventh day when the festivities of Navratri ( Garbha ) surround the atmosphere.

1st Day: The first form of Shakti is Shailputri . She is considered the daughter of the Himalayas, who inspires us to be innocent, pure and to do good to all. She is the embodiment of the power of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.


The representation begins with , Muladhara : Base or Root Chakra (last bone in spinal cord), and starts its Ascend all the way towards Moksha!

2nd Day : The second form is of, Brahmacharini, who practice's devout austerity, & whose sacrifice's and focused meditation's are unparalleled.Her name is derivative of the word 'Brahma', which means 'Tapa' ( Penance ), and endows, happiness, peace, prosperity and grace upon all.


She  represents  , Swadhisthana : Sacral Chakra (ovaries/prostate)

3rd Day : On the third day the goddess is worshipped as Chandraghanta, for peace, tranquility and prosperity in life. She also reminds us of the need to crush evil & demons within us.  She is the symbolic representation of beauty and bravery.

She represents , Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra (navel area)


4th Day : Kushmanda, is the form of the Shakti worshipped on the fourth day. It is believed that She is the creator of the entire Universe and she has created the entire Universe by her laugh. She is the ideal wife to Shiva, who complements the work of her husband and performs her duty in peace,  unconditional love.


She represents, Anahata: Heart Chakra (heart area)


5th Day : On the fifth day, Skand Mata, is worshiped , who radiates energy , nourishment and happiness, just as every mother does.


She represents, Vishuddha : Throat Chakra (throat and neck area)


6th Day : On the sixth day, the goddess is worshipped as Katyayani,. Katyayani has three expression filled eyes and ten arm to hold the weapons with which she destroyed the demons, just like she helps us destroy all our failings.


She represents, Ajna : Brow or Third Eye Chakra (pineal gland or third eye)


7th Day : On the seventh day, the Goddess is worshipped as 'Kalratri', destroyer of ignorance& make's one Fearless .


Last representation is Sahasrara : Crown Chakra (Top of the head; 'Soft spot' of a newborn).


8th Day :On the eight day, 'Maha Gauri', is worshipped. She embodies the spirit of womanhood – power, compassion and beauty. She represents calmness and exhibits wisdom.


Once , your spiritual knowledge/journey has reached the Sahasrara, one shall manifest in become one with Shiva , himself, totally in Bliss .

9th Day :On the ninth day, Siddhidatri, is worshipped for power, prosperity & knowledge. It is believed she consists of all the eight siddhi's (virtue's – honesty, compassion, valour, justice, sacrifice ,honor , spirituality, humility).


Since she has all virtues , she is the one who represents, Moksha, one's final destination, Liberation from the cycle of birth & Death !


Symbolism of the Shakti's :

Many Arms : The Goddess are all depicted as having eight or ten hands. These represent eight quadrants or ten directions in Hinduism (north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest , north pole , south pole). This suggests that she protects the devotees from all directions.

Three Eyes :  Like Shiva, Shakti, is also referred to as "Triyambake" meaning the three eyed Goddess. The left eye represents desire (the moon), the right eye represents action (the sun), and the central eye knowledge (fire).

Vehicle - the Lion :The lion represents power, will and determination. This suggests to the devotee that one has to possess all these qualities to get over the demon of ego.

There are various Objects in her hand, out of which some symbolize thus:

·         The Conch shell symbolizes the 'Pranava' or the mystic word 'Om', which indicates her holding on to God in the form of sound. conch shell represents the vibratory powers of manifestation

·         The Thunderbolt signifies firmness. The devotee must be firm like thunderbolt in one's convictions. Like the thunderbolt that can break anything against which it strikes, without being affected itself, the devotee needs to attack a challenge without losing confidence.

·         Lotus in the hand is not in fully bloomed, symbolizing certainty of success but not finality. The lotus in Sanskrit is called "pankaja" which means born of mud. Thus, lotus stands for the continuous evolution of the spiritual quality of devotees amidst the worldly mud of lust and greed. lotus refers to both spiritual and material abundance

·         The Sudarshan-Chakra , which spins around the index finger of the Goddess, while not touching it, signifies that the entire world is subservient to her will and is at her command. She uses this unfailing weapon to destroy evil and produce an environment conducive to the growth of righteousness.

·         The  Trishul (Trident) is a symbol of three qualities - Satwa (inactivity), Rajas (activity) and Tamas (non-activity). Trident pierces through the veils of the past, present and future and teaches us about birth, life and death

·         The Kamandal is viewed as a symbol of ascetism .

·         The Rosary is lessons on concentration and spiritual growth.

·         The Gada is club she wields can be used to beat a new path

·         The Shield is for protection, a bow for determination and focus, and an arrow for penetrating insight.

·         The Bell is used to invoke mental clarity and to clear the air of negativity.

·         The Skull or severed Head,  is a common motif also associated with Durga in her fiercest of forms, represents the ego and all the ways we become slaves to our egos.

·         The Axe, the Javelin , Noose & other Weapons symbolize the cutting through the obstacles that impede our progress & clear the path for spiritual growth.

·         The Bow and Arrows represent energy. Holding both the bow and arrows in one hand, indicate's  control over both aspects of energy - potential and kinetic.

·         The Knife is a Symbol of Liberation, it severs or excises that which no longer serves us whether it be a destructive belief, an unhealthy relationship, or a toxic situation we find ourselves embroiled in.

·         The Khadga (Sword)  that she holds in one of her hands symbolizes knowledge, which  points to the focus and discriminating wisdom that is necessary in life.

Trivia : The word "Garba" or "Garbha" means "womb", and in this context the lamp in the pot, symbolically represent life within a womb.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Expectation is the mother of all disappointments, And Reality is the Father.

This was a comment made by a friend, which got me thinking .. so here goes..


Why do we expect?

Is expectation positive or negative?

How do you overcome the disappointment of expectation?

Does Reality negate expectation completely?

Does Expectation lead to Manipulation?

Expectation is a part & parcel of Us, no matter who the Parents are!!! :-)


When your expectation becomes a contention of a relationship, specially when you value that relationship, its best to try and accommodate yourself to the expectation of the other too, so as not to hurt the other coz of your expectation ( quite a mind mender!!:-)


However, some day, if your relationship in its own standing has the strength, the understanding, respect & trust, the expectation will be met , coz then it is the expectation that becomes a healthy part of the relationship , which both will work out, which becomes a foundation of a lovely relationship.


We expect only when we feel the other is capable, and most times the other wants to avoid the expectation coz  they feel threatened , scared that they might not be able to live up to that expectation. A tragic situation, coz expectations are only formed when you trust someone!! We expect, coz we automatically Presume that the other person will understand what we mean, that they are in sync with our thinking. Which does not hold true always & that's again a situation, we just need to accept & acknowledge ( and continue to expect with a new line of think tank!!! ).


And then comes the point of manipulation. Are we manipulating, such that our expectation comes through, although the other person might not really have the same expectation from their own life. Are we in some way hampering their growth because of our expectations???? Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh ….. kya pagalpan hai yeh?


To give someone another chance is expectation, to let the past not interfere in the present is expectation, to let silence speak a thousand words is expectations, to be there when another wants to vent out anger, emotions, needs to simply talk , that's expectations, to care without pretence is expectations, not treat another's care for pretence is expectations, not to expect is expectations, to simply be there for another is expectation,to expect from yourself is expectations, to release yourself from any expectation is expectation. Any relation without some form of expectation will have a small but integral part of the foundation missing!!!!!!


Cheers to the True & Right essence of Expectationsssssssssssss !!!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


One has to make choices. Sometimes what you know is right, some you go along coz of your gut instinct, some are spontaneous, some coz other people depend on the choice you make.


One cannot walk away from making a choice, however simple or difficult,  or simply, one that you abhor. You make the best choice as per the demand of the situation and wait for the chain reaction.


At times you pay a heavy price, but at the end of it all, the choice was yours & yours alone. A similar situation with another setting would get you to make choices completely diverse from your previous. Once again the choice would be yours.


Choices depend on you, circumstances, your loved ones. There can never be any getting away from making choices. You are only human, born to make one choice amongst the many. And once the choice is made, no complain, irrespective of the  the repercussions ….. good, bad ,or ugly. Let go, once the choice is made & never fear about the choice you have made. Fear, negative energy, stress….  Leave the Negativity & move towards Positivity. Take control, never give up, and do not look back, the universe is your playground.


You want to say something, but cannot. You feel something, but cannot express. You want to do something but cannot initiate . Fear of rejection, or is it deep ego which stops one from making the Choice? Whatever it may be, break free from shackles, Live the moment, you might never get another chance. Take the plunge & make that Choice which is the best , without any remorse!


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Process!!

Stranger v/s Friends

It is Natural ... or did I cultivate it .... guess it is a blend of both!! To make friends, to be able to speak with a stranger as if i have known them for the longest time, is so easy! No effort !

Simple logic to this is .... a Stranger might one day become your best friend !! A Stranger could be the one who will be there in your hour of need, just coz you befriended them in the most effortless style!!

And like they say , at times the people who you think are your Friends, a situation shall arrive and you will wonder  .... is that my friend who i have known for the longest time , or is that a Stranger ??

And so, I would like Stranger to become my Friend & Friends to remain Friends Forever!!!

Forgive v/s Forget

I was asked by a friend, why do u always says , Forgive & Move on ..... isn't that incomplete without Forget ... don't people usually say ... Forgive and Forget!!??

Well, first and foremost , both are difficult to achieve . Takes a lot of working on. And in my books, Forgive is very very important in out lives, helps one to Move on!! To forgive yourself & to forgive another. One needs to Forgive oneself, for having hurt someone , knowingly or unknowingly. And once you forgive yourself for the anger, hurt, regret .... it just becomes so much easier to Forgive another, and forgive another, one does!!

And now to...  Forget. I would rather not Forget a situation. It is that situation which has brought about its own wisdom, it's own learning. If I Forget, then I might make the same faux pas , and i would not like to repeat the same again.! A reminder of sorts .... in some corner of my memory!

Therefore, I forgive as easily as I can, however difficult ......... but do dot Forget !!! To make sure that every situation is a valuable lesson learnt, a situation which only makes me stronger & not bitter!:-)

Forgive , and let go of the hurt … the scar ………


Some say, when one is hurt, the scars remain, as a constant reminder of the pain ………..

However, when one does look at the broader picture, are scars really a reminder of the pain???

Hurt is Wound, Wound is Pain & the more we keep scraping, the deeper is the bruise, never  healing, a constant reminder. A person or a situation can hurt you just once, but reliving it, means you are traumatizing yourself twice as much, again & again. Why should anyone do that to oneself? That's why, one has to Let Go ....

We scrape , not letting that healing layer to be formed, giving us perverse pleasure in this pain, not letting it heal coz if it did heal, how would one feel sorry for oneself? To torture yourself like this again & again, is truly tragic.  Heal & its time to let go.

Scars will be reminder of the anguish only when we do not give the affliction a chance to heal. Layers sealing themselves, until it heals completely, once mended, it isn't a wound, it is a scar, faint & at times invisible  ……… a reminder, of a pain that's gone, a wound which  has healed.

The way I know life .... To every End there is a Beginning, to every Pause, there is a Play button waiting to be hit!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

"Forgiveness" , write up by Mac Anderson! Loved it!

Our emotions are powerful motivators, and more than almost anything else in our lives they will drive our behavior. Sometimes our greatest challenge is to get inside our own heads to understand what makes us tick. Why do we feel and behave the way we do?

I know two family members who were best of friends, but several years ago, one reminded the other of something that had happened thirty years earlier. One thing led to another and, you know what, they haven't spoken since.

 "Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the handcuffs of hate."

Those are powerful words, and I know from personal experience...forgiveness works. A few times in my life I've been greatly wronged and taken advantage of. My first reaction, of course, was anger and resentment. I held it for awhile and felt my stomach tie up in knots, my appetite wane, and the joy slip out of my life.

The quote from Ward provided the wake-up call I needed to forgive the person who had wronged me. It was like I had been playing the first half of a basketball game with three-pound steel shoes, and in the locker room the coach said, "Mac, try these new Nikes in the second half." Multiply that by ten and you'll understand how great it feels to unload your "emotional baggage" through the power of forgiveness.

Life is too short to stay angry...even for a day.
"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."
By Mac Anderson.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dreamer v/s Doubter

This article is from Simple Truths by M.Anderson ... not sure wether he wrote it or was written by someone else ... however ... this sure is one eye opener!!!
My take as usual .... Ask ..... n Ask again .... till u get a reply/ answer .. maximum ... u shall get an answer which isnt wot u wanted to hear , but u got an answer .... n this is the only way u can also get the answer to wot u have been looking for !!! Be a DREAMER ( I wasnt called Dreamer n school for nothing !! ) .... n listen to the advice of the DOUBTER.... perfect combination!!!!
Cheers ...

Dreamer v/s Doubter

There are many different aspects that live inside of us and two of them I respectfully dubbed the Dreamer and Doubter. When it comes to pursuing our dreams, The Dreamer is often gung ho while the Doubter can provide a laundry list of concerns and issues.

After a speech in Rome, a woman with a beautiful accent asked me to tell her one of my personal dreams. Assuming I'd never see her again, I decided to share a dream I had never spoken out loud, one I had kept such a good secret that even I was beginning to forget it.
"My dream is to spend the summer writing in the Greek Islands," I said all in one breath.
She handed me her card and replied, "I have a villa in Greece. Why don't you come as my guest?"

I was floored and reminded that amazing things happen when we share our dreams. I was elated, or more accurately, part of me was. Here's a peek inside my head. See if this kind of interchange sounds familiar.
Dreamer: I am so excited!
Doubter: Not me. I don't like this at all. It's far away and could be dangerous.
Dreamer: Nonsense. This is my dream handed to me on a silver platter.
Doubter/Realist (they're close cousins): Who is going to run your business while you're away?
Dreamer: My fabulous team whom I completely trust.
Doubter: Well, how's it going to look to your clients that you are out of the country for three months?
Dreamer: I think as a Dream Coach, it's going to look pretty good.

When you are stuck, procrastinating or worrying, chances are your Doubter has taken over. If ignored, it can sabotage your dreams. So how do you deal with it? Turn the volume down a notch and the Doubter simply becomes the Realist, the part that wants to know where the time and money will come from for your venture.

But before you turn down the Doubter, hear from it. It will give you valuable information such as a list of obstacles that you can manage later. Freedom comes as you appreciate its wisdom and insight rather than judging it as the enemy.

If you never deal with your doubt and you meet another Doubter on the road, their doubt will magnify yours. However, if you have worked with your own doubt, next time a Doubter challenges you, by contrast it will be the opportunity to deepen your commitment and conviction to your dream.

The true joy in life, is being used for a purpose, recognized by yourself as a Mighty One, being a True Force of nature instead of a feverish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy…..
I want to be thoroughly used up when I die….For the harder I work, the more I live….I rejoice in life for its own sake….
Life, is no brief candle to me, it's a splendid torch, which I've got to hold up for the moment, and, I want to make it burn as brightly as possible, before handing it on to the future generations!!!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Friends & Friendship!

Friendship is a foundation to any relationship. Everyone has their own take on friends & friendship ..... here are some of mine & everyone is free to add there oneliner's to keep this moving ....... a Toast to Friends !
A true friend is a person with a sneaky knack of saying good things about you & always , always , defending you , behind your back. That's a different issue, ki samne aaye, toh, the same friend, shall tear you to shreds for your smallest falling, making it into your biggest drawback!!!:-)
A true friend is always around you, protecting you, no matter what. That's a different issue, ki kabhi kabhi aapko aisa lagta hai ,ki your friend has left your hand! It's called the invisible touch!! Ahem!
A true friend shall always maintain a certain formality, in that formality is the true test of friendship. That is a different issue, ki waqt milne paar , the same formality becomes the least forgotten!!
A true friend communicates without communicating. That's a different issue , ki aapki friendship main kitna dum hai to understand that!
A true friend shall always respect your privacy. That's a different issue, ki that shall be thrown in the air for that masti bhari shaam & jaam!!!
A true friend shall never let hearsay affect the truth that binds friendship. That's a different issue, ki kabhi kabhi suni sunayi batein, dimaag ka dahi bana deti hain!!!
A true friend will find humour in the most tense situations. That is a different issue , ki uske baad you might get beaten up for the same!!!
A true friend believes in the faith , in the truth of the trust, in the endurance of strength, as the foundation of friendship. That's a diffferent issue, ki all this is possible only when there is Respect!


A true friend will have the courage to stand through the test of times. That's a different issue, ki jab woh miltain hain, time stands still & conversations flow !


A true friend shall apologize without thinking about who is right & who is wrong. That's a different issue, ki you will never hear the end of it , if one is right!!!

And so it continues … the beauty of friendship ………..