Friday, December 25, 2015

Panglossian usher's 2016

A pandemonic year which made everyone dance to its eccentricity - brought smiles, many a changes , many a choices made , loss of a dear one , many mistakes, many a relationships brought to test through swords edge -----but more so , were the road to recoveries , to new beginnings  , to overlook all that pulled us down and to forgive. 

Two concerts which will make me smile , a surprise Krishna Das concert gift and the I-never-thought-it-possible-but-happened, Yanni show at Baroda. Followed by others, including the foot tapping Usha Uthup show to soulful Sufi concert. Mom and Dad's 1960-70 karaoke musical surprise party.  A planned  trip to Pondicherry and Bangalore , an impromptu diversion to Mysore. An expeditious adventurous / chilled trip to Hong Kong. Pampered stay at Balasore. Complaisant overnight at Lotus Resort, Konark. 

A year that ends in celebration of a life lived in complete totality ,my Nani. From the woman who had someone to wash her hands for her after eating a meal , fineries as the zamindars of the Raj era - to getting married and living a life with Gandhian principles as instilled to her by her husband, my Nana. A people's person - where Love and Sacrifice were synonym - who welcomed anyone and everyone into her home and heart - an amazing cook - with her gone , an Era comes to a closure ,  giving everyone, many memories. The Univese conspired , and she lives within Me - a journey that continues. 

If an Era says alvida - its countdown for me - blimey - 50 years - wasn't it  just yesterday that I was playing gulli danda , aiming at marbles, mending torn kites with cooked rice paste - being driven around on cycle, being spoilt - ok ok - not much has changed there , the mode of travel has tad though! An interesting tryst with destiny , which gave more than it took. Years filled with laughter , unconditional love - never allowing any pain, hurt to stay long enough to make a scar. Many a mantra's of Life so far ......

*What's meant to be, will - no matter the twists and turns ..... 
*There is always a song to sing, a dance waiting to happen ...
*When all fails , Humour is what keeps it  going ! 
*Smile, that comes from within , touch another - an encompassing drug! 
*Love and Laughter are armours that will protect you like no other! 
*Trust can falter tad , however , Faith and Hope, brings it back to track! 
*You need a reason to Hate , Love needs no reason! 
*There is so much to be grateful for, to appreciate , even when all looks bleak! 
*Never keep for tomorrow , what you can do/ say/ share today - the regret , if not,  best avoided. 
*Prayers and Blesssings, invisible as they are, create a magic , a miracle that's so visible! 
*Happiness has its own take. You can't make everyone happy- concentrate on keeping yourself Happy, let others follow the lead! 
*Silence, at times, are stepping stones. 
*Look back at the Wisdom, look ahead for the adventure! 
*Time heals - a flutter remains! 
*Loss is irreplaceable - memories are the tonics! 
*Absence is highest form of presence - To live in the hearts we leave behind, is not to die..
*Love overflows - in silence , in anger , in hurt , in pain, in laughter , in smile - a communication beyond boundaries , beyond compare. 
*Friends, Family and Health - a formidable trio, do not mess with them!  
*Be a Child , Be Curious , Be You , Others will adjust- like they have a choice :)))

These words by Rumi elucidate sublimely the flight of 2015 as it gently perches upon 2016 - "Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?" 

A toast to Life - which moulds you and Death - which shows you that nothing is permanent !